Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Boiling Lake Experience

The Boiling Lake Experience

The Boiling Lake hike is one the most popular activities in Dominica.
It is a 7 - 8 hour arduous round-trip adventure, which begins in the village of
Laudat, passing through a wide range of vegetation and terrain, including the
Valley of desolation with its many unique streams of gray, white and black.
This hike offers some of the most spectacular views into the heart of Dominica's
rugged interior.
The climb up Morne Nichols is the first real challenge, when this assent begins
you must without fail follow the instructions of your guide as the trail is
sometimes very narrow with deep ravines on both sides.

On the crest of Morne Nichols you will be on the highest point of the trail, which
is approximately 3,006 feet. If it is a clear day one can see both sides of the
island, the Caribbean coast to the west and the Atlantic coast to the east.
If you are facing east, the grandiose Morne Watt, the island's third highest
mountain, to the right, like a giant green god, stands guard over the Valley of
Desolation below.

From the highest point, steam can be seen rising from the Boiling Lake in a
The dramatic descent into the Valley of Desolation now begins.
In the Valley caution must at all times be exercised, as there are hot fumaroles,
which can burn you severely.

There will also be some streams with water about 94 degrees F., in these you
can sit and enjoy the warmth.
The minerals which the water contains, are said to be good for your skin.

Leaving the Valley of Desolation, the trail will continuously rise and fall as it
snakes its way up and down dramatic ridges, crossing unusual streams then
finally cresting the last ridge, form which the final five minutes of the hike to the
Boiling Lake can in relative terms be described as easy!!

At the lake be sure not to get too close to the edge, a strong gust of wind, could
just push you over.
The temperature in the lake is over 200 degrees F. need I say more!

This is usually where lunch is eaten so that you can be rejuvenated for the long
trek back.
On the way back the greatest challenge is the climb out of the Valley of
Desolation up Morne Nichols, this climb we call "the gut buster".

One consolation you can use as motivation to help you endure is the thought of
bathing in the incredible and exotic Ti Tou Gorge at the end of the trail.
This bounty at the end of a tough hike makes the whole thing seem like a
pleasant dream.

Time 6 - 7 hours

Click on the links below to see other options

Waterfall Rainforest Experience
The Native Experience
The Boiling Lake Experience

"Save Dominica's Rainforest" an article by Ken George Dill

Email Us For More Information
Call Toll Free: 1.866.880.0508

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